
North Cobb High School Course Syllabus
GSE Honors Algebra 2

TextbookHolt McDougal Advanced Algebra Georgia         

Materials Needed
Loose-leaf paper, Composition or Spiral notebook, Binder with dividers
Pencils, pens, high-lighters,
Graphing calculator (recommended)      
TI-84s are available to check out from NCHS
Rules and Regulations:
·        Be on time! If you are not in class when the tardy bell rings, you are tardy.
·        Be prepared! Come prepared for class. Bring all of the materials listed above and your assignment.
·        Be responsible! If you must miss class, it is your responsibility to get missed assignments.  There is a file in my room that you     should look in on the day of your return. 
·        Be here! Daily attendance is essential for success. Class discussions are instrumental to the learning process. Math is a subject that builds on previously learned concepts.  THIS INCLUDES ISS!
·        Drinks with tops only- keep the top on when not consuming.
·        Respect-Teacher, fellow classmates, property, school rules
·        Cell phones may be used for instructional purposes only.

Grade Categories:  Formative (Quizzes, daily assignments) 35 %
                                 Summative (Test, projects) 50 %
                                 Midterm/Final 15 %
Tutoring Hours:  Tuesday – Friday 7:30 – 8:10  Afternoons by appointment 

Dear Parent(s),

               The best way to study math is to work problems. Reading over past work is not enough. Students should work review problems and re-work quiz problems when preparing for the test. Students will not be allowed to retake quizzes or tests.  Vocabulary is an essential component to learning math; therefore attention should be given to vocabulary daily.
Organizational skills are necessary for learning mathematics. Organization begins with keeping an up-to-date structured notebook. It continues with learning to show all work in a neat and organized manner, I will encourage the use of these strategies during our class.
               Extra help is available before school Tuesday through Thursday and after school by appointment.   Please encourage your child to attempt all homework problems and to ask for help when needed. It is crucial to ask for help immediately because minor confusion and misunderstandings that are left uncorrected become bigger problems that are more difficult to correct.
When students are out of class for any reason- absent, field trips, ISS, etc. they are to go to my website to check the assignment for the day.  My website is: . This class is too rigorous for any student to get behind; therefore I would appreciate your involvement in this matter.   
Please take the time to read this course syllabus completely and sign the form below. This is to acknowledge that as a parent you have read and understood the syllabus and the procedures therein. I’ve also asked for contact information so that I can be in touch with you if needed.  If you have further questions or concerns about your child’s progress, please email me at  It is very important that I have an up-to-date e-mail address with which I can maintain contact with you regularly.  Please be sure to get your Synergy Code so you can view your child’s grades and attendance on-line.  Your child has a code also.

Thank you for your time; I look forward to possibly meeting each of you and to an exciting semester!


I have read the course syllabus. I understand what is expected of my son/daughter for this class.

Print Parent/Guardian Name

Signature Parent/Guardian

Print Student Name

Signature Student

II have found that e-mail is an excellent method of communication and the most preferred by me. If you would like me to contact you by e-mail, please provide your email address.

Print Neatly Parent/Guardian e-mail address

Home Phone Number ____________________________________________________

Work Phone Number_____________________________________________________

Cell Phone Number________________________________________________________